Stone Care of Arizona is the premiere Slate cleaning, sealing, and floor refinishing company in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Carefree, Cave Creek, Fountain Hills and North Valley of Arizona. We clean State floors, countertops, and showers and have great results in sealing Slate and applying coating on Slate floors. When we receive calls, we notice that few homeowners are not aware of how Slate floors are made. Stone Care of Arizona the Slate cleaning and sealing expert, pin this article to help educate you about Slate cleaning, sealing and coating. Slate is a very unique flooring that requires dedicated cleaning and sealing process to remove unwanted surface substances trapped in the cleft areas of the Slate flooring. Slate is a durable surface and a great selection if you are a homeowner needing a forgiving tile.
Slate is foliated Metamorphic rock. What does foliated mean? It means that Slate is created through "repetitive rock layering" created by extreme downward pressure and heat that compacts the layers of shale to create a banded rock.
Slate comes from Shale that is metamorphosed. What makes Metamorphic rock so special? Metamorphic rock is one of three of the Rock Cycle.
Shale is a Sedimentary rock. Sedimentary refers to, but not limited to, the collection sentiments, minerals, erosion, precipitation, and settling to form a banded rock. When shale is placed under high heat and downward pressure shale's layered or banded mineral rocks will be Metamorphosed or the minerals will change into Slate.
The image below demonstrates how Shale is Metamorphosed into Slate. The massive downward pressure and heat align the mineral to change the Shale into cleft surfaces scientists and, homeowners call Slate tile.
There are positive and negative benefits of having Slate floors.
Slate comes in beautiful colors such as gray, pewter, brown, black, charcoal and, has highlights of red, green, blue. This provides a wide range of decor' options for discerning consumers. Slate flooring is a durable surface to walk on. Cleaning Slate is easier than you may think. When cleaning Slate floors, you do not need to worry about acid-based cleaners destroying its appearance, and defacing the Slate's structure, Why? Slate cleaning will be more forgiving and will resist surface etching not limited to bodily fluids, resist water-based staining, and, cleaners. When cleaning Slate you will notice that the Slate's low porosity (absorption) ratio. Slate is a very cool flooring during the hot summers in Scottsdale, Carefree, Cave Creek, Fountain Hills, and Paradise Valley and Arizona areas.
Stone Care of Arizona, is the premier Slate cleaning and refinishing company in the North Valley of Arizona. Stone Care of Arizona are experts at providing Slate cleaning, sealing and refinishing. If you need cleaning of your Slate floors, showers, and countertops, give Stone Care of Arizona a call at
between the hours of 8 am to 6 pm. You can also reach Stone Care of Arizona, the Arizona stone care expert after hours by sending us your request online. We will gladly reach out to you the next day.
Slate tile surface can be uncomfortable to walk on with bare feet. When cleaning Slate you will notice if you don't mop your floors correctly with the right cleaner there will be a culmination of soil that has fixed itself like superglue in the crevices of the Slate floor. Here is a cleaning tip! Try mopping your floors with the correct product. Click the link: How to Take Care of My Floors. Please note, Stone Care of Arizona’s mopping tips are safe on all types of floors including wood. Let's pick up where we left off regarding the negative aspects of having Slate floors. When you mop your floors infrequently or with the wrong mopping cleaners, your floors will accumulate contamination in the form of "sticky residue" becoming trapped in the cleft sectors of the tile, which leads to frustration for some homeowners. A word regarding coatings. If you do not have a coating applied on your Slate floors count yourself fortunate. However, if you have allowed multiple coats wax to be applied to freshen up your floors, the resulting building up will become pronounced. The act of applying coatings without professional cleaning beforehand only exacerbates, the dark patina on the floors. You will be "compelled" to seek professional help to address the unsightly floors from a Slate refinishing company similar to Stone Care of Arizona, the premiere Slate refinishing company.
The great news if your Slate is in need of some TLC, Stone Care of Arizona is here to help. Simply, give us a call at
between the hours of 8 am to 6 pm. You can also reach Stone Care of Arizona, after hours by sending us your
request online. We look forward to speaking with you.